Bonus Info

(post by Courtney Batista Eby) 

Have you ever felt a clutching feeling in your chest at the thought of losing someone or something super important to you?

Or maybe do much stress that you’re stomach got upset?

Emotions can really take a toll on the body and even create dis-ease if left unresolved. Sounds kind of out there right?

🧐 Well maybe not as much as one may think…

While Chinese Traditional Medicine has said for countless years that emotions are stored throughout the body, now Western scientists are saying that the memories and traumas extend beyond the brain, too.🤯

Many doctors are exploring that a number of diseases are caused by emotional problems that link back to infancy and childhood - and possibly even back to pre-natal time! 😳 Like whaaat

Bruce D. Perry, MD, PhD. (Child Trauma Program sponsored by Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital) has spoken on this topic saying that “All nerve cells ‘store’ information in a fashion that is contingent upon previous patterns of activity” and that the ability to “carry elements of previous experience forward in time is the basis of the immune, the neuromuscular, and the neuroendocrine systems.” (endocrine = glands that produce hormones to regulate the body's growth, metabolism, and sexual development, etc.)

One thing is clear, emotional health is super important and these oils are powerful in helping our cells function as they should. Theh can help us immediately or help resolve lingering issues. Truly remarkable!!

Diffuse. Put them on your body.

Just get them to your body!!

I’m so honored to be a part of your experience in releasing anything that’s built up in you over the past couple of years or more 💖 it’s a start to something more powerful than perhaps we can imagine.

🔎 Raise your hand if you have ever had tension buildup from being stressed out?

👐 I’ve got two hands up because it builds up between my shoulder blades, like woah!


(post by Mike Kravitz) 
Why Young Living?

My background is Industrial and Systems Engineering so the process of how something is created really matters to me.

Young Living is the only essential oils company that owns their own farms and partners with farms that maintains control over the entire process from the Seed to Seal.

- [ ] Seed : Choosing seeds that are pure and sustainable farming techniques
- [ ] Cultivate: All pest controls is done using essential oils ; All weed control is done by hand
- [ ] Distill: Young Living are 1st distillation oils only. Many other companies will take the ; Only 100% Plant juice with no Synthetic oils ever used; No fillers added ; No fragrance added ; 100% Stainless Steel
- [ ] Test: Each batch of essential oils is tested by various methods in house and by 3rd parties.
- [ ] Seal: Inspecting the product with additional quality control.

The Love, effort, and integrityp that Young Living puts into this process is the reason that they are the only essential oil company that I would trust near myself and my family.

Because of this I have been using for oils in all 3 methods of use. These are diffusing, topical, and internal.

Also because of YL, Natalie and I have been grafted into this amazing Young Living family. We have made so many deep amazing friendships!

Why Young Living for you??


(post by Courtney Batista Eby) 

Imagine you’re walking with mountains to your left and right with the beautiful lavender all around you on our farm in Utah.

Gary Young (our late founder) runs some tests on the plants next to you and then cuts one which totally results in major trauma to it!
What does the plant do? It goes into hyper drive to produce chemicals to protect the plant from DNA and oxidative damage.💪🏿 It doesn’t look like anything is happening but it’s cranking out essential oils to save itself!
Oxidation happens in our body too because of environmental toxins such as pesticides, fragrance, pollution, plastics, and even EMOTIONAL TRAUMA and STRESS. 😳

All of the care of the seed, soil, farming, even down to the exact amount of time for the right compounds to be distilled is strictly controlled with Young Living’s Seed to Seal standards. It’s crucial for quality so the oils can help us too or else they just are smells!

Those compounds that are naturally made to keep the plant in homeostasis (balanced and healthy) help our bodies so much as we share a biology with plants. 😍

Those molecules are soooo tiny that they can even reach places in the body that some medicines can’t! And can enter multiple pathways into cells whereas medicines tend to target one pathway.

This means Lavender can be used for so many things in our bodies whether it’s used on our skin, breathed in or ingested. 🥳 Even cooler? Every plant is unique so they can help our bodies in different ways.

When you breathe the tiny molecules of the oils in, they interact with our brain in incredible ways - especially with the emotional and memory part. Ohhh man do they have a big impact there! Hillary is totally going to go into more about diffusing itself in a few days. You do NOT want to miss it!

So when you hold those bottles, know that you’re holding the plant’s life sustaining magic sauce 😍 haha great potential in each little drop thanks to Seed to Seal quality standards with the power to release emotions, heal, protect, and support our bodies in incredible ways!

drop a GIF of lavender when you’ve finished reading this 👇🏽


(post by Denise Baker) 
Let's talk about the dangers of "fragrance" - not be confused with scent or aroma.

Our sense of smell is perhaps the most powerful of our senses. The scent of something can bring back memories of people, places and events. Which is also how the essential oils can work so powerfully on an emotional level. 😉

This is also what drives the fragrance industry - perfumes, personal care products, air fresheners, cleaning products, candles...the list goes on and on. Synthetically created in labs to smell like familiar things but connecting many of the toxic chemicals used to create them, to things like air pollution, hormone disruption, respiratory irritation, headaches, skin irritation, allergies and even cancer. "Fragrance" is an umbrella that covers many ingredients - average shows that about 1/3 of the ingredients used to create a "fragrance", are toxic-chemicals. These toxins are entering our bodies through skin contact (cosmetics, lotions, laundry detergents and dryer sheets, cleaning supplies) and also through our breathing them in (candles, plug-ins, cleaning supplies, etc)

Approximately 3000 toxic chemicals are approved for use in the US but many of those are banned in other countries around the world. Manufacturers are protected by the Trade Secrets Act and do not have to disclose what they've used to re-create that aroma that while allowing us to remember Grandma's apple pie - it's also wreaking havoc on our bodies.

Another fun tip - even when a label says "fragrance-free", it may still contain fragrance ingredients as a masking agent to cover unpleasant chemical smells. It's important to read the labels on the products we use.

So when we see the word "fragrance" (aka parfum or perfume) on the labels of our products, I encourage you to make a change to a more natural solution.

Care to read more on this? Google "the dangers of fragrance" to learn more.


(post by Hillary Hoch Chybinski) 
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly obsessed with Young Living's diffusers. My Premium Starter Kit came with a "Home Diffuser" which had a purple light and a top that looked like a flower . . .their diffusers have a LONG way and the ones available today are outstanding!
But besides being pretty to look at and making our homes smell good, what's the benefit of diffusing essential oils??

Well, the ability of essential oils to act on both the mind and the body is what makes them truly unique among natural therapeutic agents. The fragrance of an essential oil can be very stimulation - both psychologically and physically. The fragrance of other essential oils may be calming and sedation, helping to overcome anxious feelings or high activity levels.

Probably the two most common methods of essential oil application are cold-air diffusing and neat (undiluted) topical application.
Diffused oils alter the structure of molecules that create odors, rather than just masking them (hello Fabreze 🤢 They also increase oxygen availability, produce negative ions and release natural ozone. (science is cool 🔬 right?)

Many essential oils are extremely effective for eliminating and destroying airborne ick. A cold-air diffuser is designed to atomize a microfine mist of essential oils into the air, where they can remain suspended for several hours.

Research shows that diffusing certain oils may:
🪴 Reduce bacteria, fungus, mold & unpleasant odors
🪴 Relax the body, relieve tension and clear the mind
🪴 Help with weight management
🪴 Improve concentration, alertness & mental clarity
🪴 Stimulate neurotransmitters
🪴Stimulate secretion of endorphins
🪴 Stimulate growth hormone production & receptivity
🪴 Improve digestion function
🪴 Improve hormonal balance
and MORE!

What are some of your favorite oils to diffuse??


(post by Lindsay Marie) 

Let’s talk about a huge elephant in the room. Who loves or used to love candles and plug-ins? We all want our homes to smell nice and have a sense of comfort and coziness present, right? As easy as those sound to use, they can be potentially harmful to our health. Let’s talk about why!

First up, Candles:

  • They smell nice, but the scent you are enjoying is made from synthetic chemicals that can simply be labeled as “fragrance”. Many of those fragrances (chemicals) in and of themselves are rated up there with cigarette smoke for allergens.
  • Actually reduce the quality of the air in the home.
NOT SO FUN FACT: The air INSIDE our homes is generally far worse for our health than the air outside and it is largely because we are buying toxins in things like our candles and household products!

  • Phthalates are often found in scented candles and have been linked to allergic reactions and asthma related problems. Phthalates are also known to cause reproductive, immune and central nervous system problems.

  • Paraffin (found in many candle bases) is a petroleum byproduct. The American Lung Association warns that when burned, these candles release carcinogenic chemicals into the air.

  • Imported candles may have lead or lead cores in the wick, which is then released into the air.

  • Toxic chemicals, such as Benzene - a known human carcinogen, are released by some candles.

  • The chemicals emitted by some candles, especially heavily scented ones, are similar to the fumes from car exhaust!

  • According to reports, almost 98% of the soy produced in the US is genetically modified. GMO soy is not the only problem, many soy candles are a combination of soy and paraffin. Double whammy!

Health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure or, possibly, years later. Immediate effects may show up after a single exposure or repeated exposures. These include irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue. Such immediate effects are usually short-term and treatable. Sometimes the treatment is simply eliminating the person's exposure to the source of the pollution, if it can be identified. Symptoms of some diseases, including asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, and humidifier fever, may also show up soon after exposure to some indoor air pollutants. Studies have found that levels of several gases such as cleansers, disinfectants, aerosols, air fresheners, and candles average 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors. That means we are poisoning ourselves, our families and our pets inside our own homes!!!

You aren't doomed to a stale, stinky smelling house if you get rid of the candles!

Let’s see how diffusing matches up.

Diffusing Young Living Essential Oils:

  • Cleans the air of airborne pathogens, reducing bacteria, fungus, mold and odors.

  • Supports immune function (aka less likely to get the icks).

  • Supports respiratory function.

  • Increases oxygen availability in the air

  • Increases the body’s ability to transport oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

  • Enhances mood and uplift spirits.

  • Many essential oils improve concentration and mental clarity (yes, please).

  • Promotes restful sleep (now who couldn’t use more of that?!)

I don’t know about you, but I see a CLEAR winner in that match-up and there’s no question what I want my family and pets breathing in our home. When you know better, you do better!

Also, once you stop sniffing those toxic chemicals for a while, you'll find they give you a raging headache instantly! That speaks volumes to me.

****QUALITY MATTERS when you diffuse essential oils. If you're buying the $5 oil from the grocery store you are still dispersing synthetic fragrance in the air. ****

What was your favorite candle scent that we can help you replicate?


(post by Natalie Kravitz) 
Let’s chat about carrier oils!

Carrier oil is used to dilute essential oils and “carry” them to your skin. Most carrier oils are unscented or lightly scented and don't interfere with an essential oil's therapeutic properties.

Did you know each carrier is different?

Coconut- Fractionated coconut oil is liquid at room temperature. It absorbs well into the skin and is high in essential fatty acids.

Almond - With a slightly sweet nutty aroma, it absorbs relatively quickly. It is rich in vitamin E which helps with moisturizing and is a good all-purpose carrier oil.

Grape seed - Light and thin consistency and well suited for massages. It is also moisturizing but has a relatively short shelf life.

Jojoba - Slight nutty aroma and is non-greasy absorption. It is similar to our skin's natural oils and has a long shelf life.

Carrier oils have a comedogenic rating. Comedogenic ratings provide a list of ingredients that may have a tendency to clog pores causing acne.
What is the Comedogenic Scale?

0 - won't clog pores at all.
1 - very low likelihood they will clog pores.
2 - moderately low likelihood.
3 - moderate likelihood.
4 - fairly high likelihood.
5 - high likelihood of clogging pores.

What is your favorite carrier oil to use?


(post by Hillary Hoch Chybinski) 
Why do some of the oils in the Premium Starter Bundle have white labels and some have other colors?

The white labels, indicate a Young Living Vitality oil.

What’s the difference between Vitality and standard essential oils? Good question!

Vitality oils and their classic counterparts contain the same oils. However, Vitality oils are labeled for dietary use, and the classics are labeled for topical and aromatic use.

Young Living has a team highly-trained scientists and researchers to make sure YL is making appropriate suggestions for ingestion. They also strictly adhere to EFF-DEE-AYE's labeling laws.

Internal usage can be everything from adding oils to your daily glass of water, dropping under your tongue, taking in vegetable capsules or having them as part of a supplement formulation. When in doubt, just don't overdo.

When ingesting oil in water, it's best to use ceramic, stainless steel or glass, as they are less likely to react with essential oils than plastic.

Have you tried Young Living's Vitality oils yet??


(post by Mike Kravitz) 
4 Square Breathing